Start Now!

Why you should ‘Start Now’!

How many times have you said ‘well I’ve eaten shit today so I’ll start my diet Monday’ or ‘Need to lose some weight, I’m going to join a gym Monday’?

I hear them all the time, I’ve even said them from time to time. The truth is they are both complete bullshit. Monday isn’t a start point, it’s an excuse to have a couple extra days of doing what you want. If you are genuinely ready to make a change then you should be able to START NOW.

Everyone has a vague idea of how to take a positive step in the right direction when it comes to being fitter, stronger, leaner and healthier but most continue to put it off consistently, then you get to this time of year and all of a sudden it’s not ‘start Monday’ any more it’s ‘2022 is going to be the year I get in shape’.

Please stop with these, instead of saying these, change it to ‘I can’t be arsed to start until (insert specific excuse)’ at least then you’re not lying to yourself anymore. If you can’t be arsed to start that’s absolutely fine as long as you own it.

If you can be arsed to start, here are some free and easy things to get you off on the right foot…

  1. Start tracking your calories - There are a few options available for this but the app leading the way is MyFitnessPal, it is easy to use and will set up your calories depending on your weight loss goals. I would recommend no more than a 0.5kg weight loss per week to start with and then adjust every couple of weeks. Not only will this help you get control of what you’re eating but will help you think more proactively about your food choices.

  1. Do more - Alongside your calorie reduction you need to increase the amount of activity you’re doing. You don’t necessarily have to join a gym, you just need to start something. Going for a 15min walk every day, taking the stairs instead of a lift, getting off the bus a stop early, parking a little further away at the supermarket. There are hundreds of little wins you can add in to your life to make a big difference to your activity levels.

  1. Concentrate on the next day - don’t worry about the long term goal to start with, worry about getting the next day right, then the day after that. Eventually that will turn in to weeks and then months of consistent improvement. Once you have a decent handle on what you’re doing then its time for some long term goals.

  1. Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water - If you fall off for whatever reason (night out, big weekend, birthdays, holidays etc), don’t just sack it all off, plan the next day and how you are going to succeed and get back to it. Eventually you’ll find you can better manage your choices and you will keep getting closer to where you want to be.

Improving your health is the most important thing you can invest time and money in to, it’s not just about living longer it’s about the quality of life you have as you get older. The longer you wait to start the harder it will ultimately be. It’s better to be 70% committed for a long time than 100% committed for a short time.

If you need someone to help get you going or you want an outside person to keep you accountable then that’s where we come in, whether it’s at our gym as a member, a personal training plan or you become part of our online community we can get you set up and keep you accountable for your actions.

If not there is plenty above to help get you started and on the path to a better you.

Get in touch if you have any questions, always happy to interact with people on our Facebook or Instagram pages.

If you are interested in working with us then drop us an email at put the subject as ‘START NOW’ and we’ll know you’re serious!

Thanks for reading



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