What is Online Coaching?

Seems fairly straight forward I guess, kind of like personal training but, online right?

That isn’t too far from the truth, the main difference being that it’s more like having a personal trainer and all of their knowledge on tap. You don’t get the person stood next to you counting reps and telling you to keep going.  If you need that then this is not the service for you right now (maybe soon though).

Initially this service starts with a free consultation so we can better understand where your start point is and also where you want to be. We will then give you a realistic timescale based on your goals so you are under no illusions as to how long it will take. This consultation is a great way to make sure that we are the right fit for each other.

Once we have had a chat you will then be sent a series of emails to get you setup and ready to go. These will include videos on how our app works, links to our ever-expanding resources folder and also to our unlisted YouTube content that is part of our members only areas.

Now that you’re signed up and ready to go, you just need your daily calories and also training plan both customised depending on your goals. Your training plan will run for 6 weeks, then we will catch up and adjust what needs to be adjusted before setting you off on a new plan. Once you have received it you need to go through it and make sure your gym or home setup has everything you need to complete your sessions. You can adjust the program if needs be, alternatively we are more than happy to make as many changes as needed to get it right.


Then what…?


Once you are fully up and running seems there isn’t much else for us to do right? You will be added into our private members only Facebook group where we keep an eye on you and share in each other’s successes and failures. All our latest content goes there first and we hold live Q+A sessions each week to make sure everything is going smoothly. 

Being held accountable can be uncomfortable for most people but it helps keep you on track, if you have made it into the group it’s because we think you’re the right fit and you believe we can get you where you want to be, you will be surrounded by people that are of the same mindset. We use loads of different techniques to help you stay focused on your goals and motivated to succeed. 

We are constantly growing our members areas so give this a try and if you are happy with your first program, the support and also the additional content you receive then you can rest assured that it will only improve.


So, if you’re ready to put 2020 behind you and commit to making a real change in 2021 then book a consultation with us. There is no hard selling, it is just a chat and a little show around what we offer and what we think would be best for you. 


Start Now!


You are how you sleep.